Tuesday, February 21, 2012

An Intricate Tapestry - Welcome

This is an exciting new adventure!  I hope you will join me.  I grew up as the child of Methodist Missionaries in Korea from 1955 - 1967 and then returned to Korea in the Peace Corps from 1972 - 1975.  About 6 1/2 years ago my husband and I drove my father to a Korea Missionary reunion in North Carolina and I began to realize how much the Korea experience shaped who I am.  I also realized that the piece of history represented by the missionaries from the United States and other Western countries us rapidly becoming just that - history.  That trip grew into a book: An Intricate Tapestry (http://www.kirkhouse.com/Books/An_Intricate_Tapestry).

In another exciting development I will be returning to Korea for the Centennial celebration of my old school- Seoul Foreign School.  I promise to post lots of pictures.

Why a blog?  Getting in touch with the Korean part of myself has been wonderful.  I have learned a lot about myself and about people I thought I knew.  I am hoping that we can share our experiences, information, stories, what we are doing, recipes, etc. 

Even if you have never been to Korea you may have experienced the effects of changing cultures - even within your own country.  We have a shared experience.

1 comment:

  1. Donna,
    Just started reading your blog. I'm Cathy Corson (K-27, K-31). We last saw each other in August, 1977, when you came to a PC reunion at our house in Richmond, VA. My husband, Craig, was a K-28.

    Are you on Facebook? We have a very active group (429 members) sharing photos and stories. We would love to have you join.

    Korea RPCV Group

    There is also a FB group for the Seoul American High School, but I'm not sure this is your old school.

    Seoul American High School

    Would love to hear from you!
