Thursday, May 17, 2012

I will be returning to Korea in just over a week.  It will be my first trip back in 37 years.  The photo above (shared on facebook- from a missionary collection) is the way I remember Korea.  I'm sure it will be vastly different - a whole new country - a whole new adventure.  My trip has several purposes:
1.  This year is the 100 year anniversary of Seoul Foreign School where I spent most of high-school and scattered earlier experiences dating back to 1955.
2.  I am working with a Korean colleague at St. Catherine's University to create a core course titled "Global Search for Justice" as an international course with transcultural experiences related to Korea as the center-stone of the course.  Korean history is full of social justice and trans-cultural issues.
3.  The physician assistant program where I work is new.  We are looking for international experiences for students- both research and clinical opportunities.  
I am hoping to make lots of connections and new friends as well as return to places that are dear to my heart.  First stop on the SFS tour is Taechon Beach - a place full of memories for missionary kids.  I know it has changed.  I have heard that our cabin has been torn down and probably replaced by tourist hotels, but I'm sure there will still be plenty of memories there.  Boats like the one above will probably no longer be part of the horizon, but I'm still looking forward to it.

Watch this blog for a day-by-day account of my trip to be posted upon return - I am not carrying a computer with me, but will be taking notes - and lots of pictures.

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